Understanding Your Energy Systems

One thing that all humans have in common is that their bodies must use energy from food in order to bring about movement, as well as to allow essential bodily functions to continue. Although this energy must be sourced from food, the food must first go through a process in order to be turned into energy.
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The Rotator Cuff Muscles

The group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joints are known as the rotator cuff. These muscles are key to keeping the head of the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket.

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Addressing Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and injury is fairly common. This is due in part to the complexity of the shoulder joint and the frequency of its use. It is a very mobile joint and the fact that the arm bone fits into the shoulder joint quite loosely to provide such a wide range of movement makes this area vulnerable to injury.
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Curvatures of the Spine

In our blog post last week we took a look at the skeleton. The purpose of this article was to give an overview of the importance of this incredible part of the body! Today we would like to take a closer look at the spine, and in particular, some of the issues that can arise in relation to the spine.
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The Human Skeleton

The human skeleton is an incredible structure and it surely goes without saying that it has many essential roles to play in the body! The skeletal system is made up of bones, joints and cartilage - all of which work together with other components of the body. Today we are going to look at some key information regarding the skeleton, and how it works in relation to other parts of the body.

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Pain Management for Orthopedic Patients

Pain is a natural part of life and is something that certainly everyone experiences to some degree from time to time. The pain that goes hand in hand with orthopedic problems can vary widely in severity, and can’t always be managed in the same way.
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Pregnancy and Bone Health

The impact of pregnancy on the health of the bones is something that has been studied and observed for many decades. It has been shown that pregnancy can both be of detriment and of benefit to the bones. This is something that we are going to explore and explain today!
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Quick Tips For Strong Bones

As we discuss frequently at Onto Orthopedics, preserving and building the strength of your bones is key to maintaining your health as you age. Although the health of your bones will be influenced largely by how they develop during adolescence and throughout your 20’s, there are still things that you can do to help your bones stay strong!
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Working to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is something that we have discussed previously on our blog and today we would like to take the time to touch on it again - this time in regards to prevention!

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The Health of Your Ankles

The Health of Your Ankles Onto Orthopedics

Your ankles, and indeed the rest of your feet, are probably not parts of your body that you pay much attention to the health of! However, if you do not maintain strength and function in this area of your body then you can quickly feel the impact and consequences.

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