Potassium And Your Bones

There are seven essential macrominerals that the body needs to function as it should — with one of those macrominerals being potassium!

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pears nutrition heathy eating

The Power Of Pears

Pears are a popular fruit - and with good reason! They usually have a mildly sweet taste that many people find to be just right.

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Pregnancy Exercise Healthy Living

Pregnancy, Exercise and Bone Health

The extra demands placed on the body during pregnancy can certainly take their toll. With the health of your unborn baby to consider in addition to your own health, there are several aspects of healthy living that you must give more time and attention to!

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Magnesium Onto Orthopedics

Magnesium and Osteoporosis

When it comes to how healthy our bones are, there are several different things that we should be paying attention to. These are things that we are going to discuss today, so that you can make more informed decisions about your own health!

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Body Weight and Bone Health

The health of your bones is dependant on several factors and is something that you should certainly prioritise. Your body weight can affect the health of your bones, and this is something we are going to take a look at today!

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New Year New You Onto Orthopedics

New Year, New Ambitions

New Year New You Onto Orthopedics

The New Year is always a fantastic opportunity to take on new goals and realise new ambitions! This is a time when you can evaluate all that has happened in the year that has just gone by, and set fresh challenges for yourself.
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Healthy Living: A Guide to Getting Started

The world of wellness can often seem like an exclusive one with many barriers for the average person attempting to embrace a healthier way of life. However, the simple truth is that anyone can make positive changes to the way in which they live their life, and work towards becoming their healthiest self!
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Pregnancy and Bone Health

The impact of pregnancy on the health of the bones is something that has been studied and observed for many decades. It has been shown that pregnancy can both be of detriment and of benefit to the bones. This is something that we are going to explore and explain today!
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Calcium on a Plant-Based Diet

When you are attempting to decrease the amount of animal products in your diet, or eradicate them entirely, you will often hear that it is difficult to consume all of the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. However, the simple truth is that with a few dietary adjustments it is fairly easy to keep your body and mind healthy! This fact is certainly applicable when it comes to calcium.
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Working to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is something that we have discussed previously on our blog and today we would like to take the time to touch on it again - this time in regards to prevention!

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