Understanding the Endocrine System

The endocrine system is the system within the body that controls the production of hormones. It is comprised of several glands that are capable of producing hormones when required. This will happen as the result of having received instructions from the central nervous system. The entire endocrine system can be seen to work together in order to promote balance within the body. 
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Let’s Talk About Fasting

You may not have heard about the concept of intermittent fasting - or perhaps you have heard about it but written it off as just another fad diet. An increasing number of nutrition experts have been advocating this way of eating, so today we are going to take a close look!

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Smoking and Bone Health

The damaging health effects of smoking are widely known and accepted as fact. However, there are massive numbers of people who still smoke despite this information! Smoking will be detrimental to your health regardless of your age, gender or ethnicity. And, in order to preserve optimum health, it is essential that you do not engage in this habit. Your bones are one particular part of your body that can be quite severely negatively affected by your choice to smoke.
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Running or Cycling for Bone Health?

Researchers have recently been exploring the impact of both running and cycling on long-term bone health in order to determine which is more effective. The results seem to suggest that exercise that puts a greater strain on the bones, such as running, is more likely to be effective in preserving the long-term health of the bones. Cycling, on the other hand, is a non-weight bearing exercise and therefore does not have the same benefits to the bones as running.
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The Science of Muscle Growth

Increased muscle mass is one of the most common reasons people exercise, alongside weight loss efforts and general fitness goals. Losing fat and gaining muscle is a usual expectation of those who work out regularly, but how many people actually understand how this process works? Understanding the science behind muscle growth can help you to establish a much more comprehensive understanding of how your body works in general. This can motivate you to stick to your workout regime as you are less likely to be disappointed by what you perceive to be slow results. It takes time to build your body up and the following article aims to help you develop your knowledge of this concept.

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