winter exercise healthy bones

Put The Health Of Your Bones First This Winter

When the colder seasons start to come around, it can be easy to let go of your healthy living aspirations. It may become harder to motivate yourself to get outdoors to exercise, and it can certainly be more tempting to choose comfort foods over nutritious dishes.

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Body Weight and Bone Health

The health of your bones is dependant on several factors and is something that you should certainly prioritise. Your body weight can affect the health of your bones, and this is something we are going to take a look at today!

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Working to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is something that we have discussed previously on our blog and today we would like to take the time to touch on it again - this time in regards to prevention!

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Prunes and Better Bone Density

The evidence has been mounting over the last few years to suggest that eating prunes every day could equate to great things for the health of your bones. Today we would like to take a look at this tasty fruit to determine how helpful they could be for you and your bones! 

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Are You Getting Enough Calcium?

It is widely known that calcium is essential when it comes to bone health. However, what is not so widely agreed upon is the best way to meet the recommended daily amount of this essential nutrient!

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Building Healthy Bones

Eating a diet that is focused around healthy, whole foods is one of the best ways to make sure that you build and maintain healthy bones. However, there are also other things that you can do to protect and maintain the health of your bones.

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The Spine: Form and Function

The spine is one of the most important parts of the human body and is comprised of 33 different bones. Your spine enables you to stand up, and without it you would be unable to twist or move your body.
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eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

Eating for Optimum Bone Health

eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

If you check in with our blog regularly then you will know that we are always keen to share information regarding ways to promote and improve the health of your bones. Today we would like to take some time to talk about things that can be of detriment to your bones, more particularly the food and drink that you are likely consuming!

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Green Tea and Bone Health

The many health benefits of drinking green tea are often discussed within the health and wellbeing world. In addition to lowering cholesterol, helping to maintain a healthy blood pressure and aiding weight loss efforts, green tea is also known to help to fight heart disease and support the function of the liver. It may surprise you to learn that drinking green tea regularly can also help to improve the health of your bones. Today we are going to have an in-depth look at why green tea is so good for you and how you can easily include more of it in your diet!

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Hope for Osteoporosis Sufferers

Fresh medical research into relief for osteoporosis sufferers has demonstrated positive preliminary results! An experimental injection is being developed that has the potential to help the large amounts of older people who suffer from this age related condition. Approximately 2,500 post-menopausal women took part in the study which took place over the course of 18 months. The average age of the women who participated was 69.
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