Could a Dog Boost Your Health?

Finding the motivation to get out and exercise is not always as easy as it sounds. You may often find that you are short on time, or you may not want to embrace the elements during the colder seasons. Also, you may just not enjoy physical activity very much! Whatever your reasons for avoiding exercise, it is important that you find activities that you do enjoy if you are going to maintain your good health.
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Deciding to Have Orthopedic Surgery

Making the decision to undergo surgery should not be a process that is taken lightly. Before you reach a conclusion regarding a possible operation, you will have the input of several different healthcare professionals as well as your support network.
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Common Orthopedic Surgeries


Orthopedic care is primarily concerned with health conditions that affect the bones and the muscles within the human body. Orthopedic surgery is often required to fix these problems. However, there are also a wide range of effective non-surgical approaches for improving the quality of life of the patient.


An orthopedic surgeon will develop their own approach to dealing with certain medical problems throughout their career. They will also strive to stay up to date with all of the latest technological developments within their field of healthcare in order to maximise their treatment success rates. 
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A Secret Weapon for Optimum Health

As we strive to become healthier people in order to improve the quality of life that we enjoy, it is always useful to find secret weapons along the way.
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Tennis Elbow Diagnosis and Treatment

The medical term for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis. This is a condition that will initially present as pain in the lateral part of the elbow. This is usually characterised as a sharp pain and will impact the patients quality of life as it can affect even the simplest of tasks. Not only will the patient struggle with pain, but they can also experience a weakened grip which also makes simple tasks more difficult. Tennis elbow is a very common orthopedic problem that healthcare professionals will treat regularly.
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Healing a Broken Ankle

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to break your ankle then you will know that orthopedic doctors also refer to this injury as an ankle fracture. Either one or more of the bones in the ankle joint will be broken, and the amount of broken bones will determine how difficult it is to resume normal tasks.
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What Does it Take to Be an Orthopedic Surgeon?

The training involved with becoming an orthopedic surgeon is quite extensive and it will take many years before a new surgeon is ready to practice medicine and operate. Not only does embarking upon this career require a lengthy period of training, but it also requires that the person in question has a strong desire to help other people heal. This passion to bring relief, return function and eradicate pain from the lives of those afflicted with health issues has to be the main driver behind this career choice. Anyone who enters for any other reason will soon burn out and realise that this is not the career path for them!
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A 3D Revolution in Orthopedic Footwear

Orthopedic shoes and orthotics are not always synonymous with comfort and style! They have historically been designed more for practicality than they have for fashion, and this has led to them not traditionally being desirable to wear! However, there is one woman who is setting out to change all of this using 3D printing technology.
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deep vein thrombosis

Surgery and the Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis

deep vein thrombosis

Orthopedic surgery can make a huge difference to a patient's life. But as with any surgery it comes with some risks! A major risk involved with orthopedic surgery is deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Today we are going to take a look at this condition, as well as some associated risks and prevention measures.
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The Psychological Effects of Serious Injury

When we talk about the suffering associated with an injury it is usually the physical health aspects that come to mind. The word injury is synonymous with pain, and it is the pain in the area of the injury that is given the most thought and attention. However, the psychological impacts of a serious injury can be just as important, but are often overlooked.
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