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Statins and Bone Health

Statin drugs are of great benefit to those who need to lower their cholesterol levels. However, new research has shown that this type of medication could have a detrimental impact on the health of the bones.

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Green Tea and Bone Health

The many health benefits of drinking green tea are often discussed within the health and wellbeing world. In addition to lowering cholesterol, helping to maintain a healthy blood pressure and aiding weight loss efforts, green tea is also known to help to fight heart disease and support the function of the liver. It may surprise you to learn that drinking green tea regularly can also help to improve the health of your bones. Today we are going to have an in-depth look at why green tea is so good for you and how you can easily include more of it in your diet!

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Should We Be Eating Chocolate?

We are often told that eating chocolate is good for your mood and will help to give you a boost of happiness during a long day. But what is the science behind this claim and is it something that we should all actually be doing?


Furthermore, are there additional health benefits to be gained from eating chocolate beyond improving your mood? There is much conflicting advice on whether we should be eating chocolate regularly, with several well-respected nutritionists on either side of the fence. Keep reading for a breakdown of this information that should help you to make your own mind up!


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