Nutrition for Joint Health

Nutrition for Joint Health

Nutrition for Joint Health

Eating to support the optimum function of the joints is an amazing way to take control over this aspect of your health. If you are currently experiencing pain, stiffness, or inflammation of your joints, then you may already have gone down the medical route to alleviate the seriousness of your symptoms.
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Keeping Your Joints Healthy

Your joints are responsible for connecting your bones and without them you would be unable to bend! As we age it is inevitable that we will experience damage to our bones and unfortunately the same is true of our joints. However, there are things that you can do to work to limit this damage and help to preserve the optimum function of your joints. 
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Squats: Good or Bad?

In the world of working out, the squat exercise is often hailed as one of the simplest ways to burn fat and improve muscle. As it uses some of the strongest muscles in the body, it is often recommended as a good way to get in shape. However, many people may have read that squats can be damaging to joints such as the knees and hips, and are afraid to try them out in case of injury. The best way to evaluate this particular exercise is to examine what it actually entails and what its effects could be on different types of physiques.
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Healing a Broken Ankle

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to break your ankle then you will know that orthopedic doctors also refer to this injury as an ankle fracture. Either one or more of the bones in the ankle joint will be broken, and the amount of broken bones will determine how difficult it is to resume normal tasks.
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Common Orthopedic Feet Problems


The feet are some of the most densely packed parts of the body, containing 33 joints, 26 bones, and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. The chance of problems arising in the feet are quite high, whether through the tolls of general living or through genetic predisposition.
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How to Care For Your Joints

As we advise frequently on the blog section of Onto Orthopedics, taking care of your body in order to prevent injury is always going to be preferable to seeking treatment for an issue or ailment! When it comes to your joints, this statement is especially true.
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Understanding Orthopedic Care


There are many reasons why you might require the services of an orthopedic doctor or orthopedic surgeon. The practice itself is predominantly associated with the treatment and care of the musculoskeletal system. This system is made up the muscles, tendons, bones and joints within your body. Today we are going to take a closer look at these parts of the body and learn a little bit more about them!

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How Yoga Can Protect Your Health

It is often said that prevention is better than cure, and when it comes to the health of your body this is of course applicable! When talking about the health of your bones, there is increasing amounts of evidence to suggest that yoga can be a great tool for keeping them in tip-top condition.
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Bicycling: Joint-Friendly Fitness!

Are you worried that your favorite exercises put unnecessary strain on your joints? If so, consider bicycling! Bicycling offers many benefits including low impact on your joints, low barriers to entry, great sight-seeing opportunities, and excellent calorie-burning potential. Read on to learn more about how bicycling can help you get on the path to improved fitness.

Worried that you may not be fit enough to begin bicycling? We recommend that you begin slowly and ensure you can maintain good balance. Once you are proficient at short trips, you can expand the distance you travel each time you get on the saddle. As of writing this article, a man is journeying across the country while also endeavoring to lose over 250 lbs.
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