Four Reasons to Build Core Strength!

When you are working to enhance your health and fitness it is important that you pay attention to your body as a whole. One of the things that often gets overlooked when it comes to this concept, is the importance of the strength of your core!

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Compound Isolation Exercises Fitness

Compound Exercises or Isolation Exercises?

Compound Isolation Exercises Fitness


Making the most of your time at the gym is often essential if you have serious fitness goals and a busy schedule. When it comes to working your muscles, there are two different types of exercises to consider. Those are compound exercises and isolation exercises.
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Muscles Legs Healthy Fitness Orthopedic

The Muscles of the Legs

Muscles Legs Healthy Fitness Orthopedic

The claim that sitting down can be as bad for your health as smoking may seem like a dramatic one, but could there be some truth to this statement? 
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biceps triceps gym exercise

Triceps and Biceps

biceps triceps gym exercise

If you go to the gym regularly then you will likely already know that your triceps and your biceps are two very important muscles! Not only will working out these muscles help your arms to look fantastic, but will also ensure that your functional strength is supported.
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Reasons to Love Leg Day

When it comes to which of the muscle groups generally get the most attention in the gym, the leg muscles don’t often come top of the list! The tendency to prioritise the areas of the body that create the strongest appearance, such as the chest, arms, and shoulders, can mean that the body doesn’t always get a balanced workout.
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The Rotator Cuff Muscles

The group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joints are known as the rotator cuff. These muscles are key to keeping the head of the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket.

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The Core Muscles of the Body

When we talk about the core muscles, we often tend to think that this muscle group is solely concerned with the abdominal muscles - or abs as they are usually called. However, the core is actually a complex combination of several different muscles. And, far from just being easy on the eye, a strong core is helpful for stabilising your body!
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Tone Your Muscles Without The Gym

If you are an avid follower of our blog then you may recall an article we shared a few years ago that aimed to demonstrate how you can exercise without going to the gym!


This previous article focused largely on different forms of cardio that you can engage in, whereas today we would like to discuss the benefits of building muscle!
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The Effects of Stress on the Body

We are all prone to stress sometimes - some more than others - and the way in which our bodies respond to this stress can be quite damaging to our long term health.

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Best Chest Exercises

Building up the muscles in the chest is a common goal in the gym for many men. The strong, curved shape that inevitably comes with a serious chest routine is one that is deemed to be desirable for many men.
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