Mixing Plant-Based Proteins

Last week we looked at what protein is and the roles that it has in the body. Today we are going to explore this concept further, and look at great ways to make sure you get the recommended amounts through a variety of easy to source foods!
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What is Protein?

If you have ever dipped your toe into the expansive world of fitness then you will no doubt have heard a lot about the importance of protein in the diet. Although protein needs do become more complex if you are trying to enhance your fitness levels, it is also an aspect of overall nutrition that everybody should pay attention to.
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Understanding Your Energy Systems

One thing that all humans have in common is that their bodies must use energy from food in order to bring about movement, as well as to allow essential bodily functions to continue. Although this energy must be sourced from food, the food must first go through a process in order to be turned into energy.
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Are You Confused by Carbs?

Carbohydrates have been demonised by health experts in the last few years, with much supporting evidence as to why they might not be a great choice for dieters. Although several diets may suggest that you eliminate carbohydrates if you are to lose weight effectively, they are actually an essential food group.

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eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

Eating for Optimum Bone Health

eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

If you check in with our blog regularly then you will know that we are always keen to share information regarding ways to promote and improve the health of your bones. Today we would like to take some time to talk about things that can be of detriment to your bones, more particularly the food and drink that you are likely consuming!

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Massage for Muscle Recovery

Getting your body to feel normal again after a workout can often take a little more time than you would like. This is especially true if you are new to exercise and you are using muscles that have generally not been over-exerted for a while, if ever at all! This is also likely to happen when you begin to increase the amount of weight that you are lifting, or the duration of cardio exercises that you are undertaking. You may find that you experience aching and reduced movement in certain areas of your body for anywhere up to a few days afterwards! Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can also deter you from wanting to continue with your workout plans.
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Running or Cycling for Bone Health?

Researchers have recently been exploring the impact of both running and cycling on long-term bone health in order to determine which is more effective. The results seem to suggest that exercise that puts a greater strain on the bones, such as running, is more likely to be effective in preserving the long-term health of the bones. Cycling, on the other hand, is a non-weight bearing exercise and therefore does not have the same benefits to the bones as running.
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Plant-Based Protein and Muscle Growth


As discussed in a recent blog post, there is a science to muscle growth that is not difficult to understand once you break it down to basics. Within this previous blog post we touched briefly on the potential of plant-based proteins for building muscle and how this can be incredibly beneficial for those looking to enhance their health and fitness efforts.


So, let’s take a look at some particularly powerful plant-based sources of protein that can be the perfect dietary choice when you are looking to increase your muscle mass.

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The Science of Muscle Growth

Increased muscle mass is one of the most common reasons people exercise, alongside weight loss efforts and general fitness goals. Losing fat and gaining muscle is a usual expectation of those who work out regularly, but how many people actually understand how this process works? Understanding the science behind muscle growth can help you to establish a much more comprehensive understanding of how your body works in general. This can motivate you to stick to your workout regime as you are less likely to be disappointed by what you perceive to be slow results. It takes time to build your body up and the following article aims to help you develop your knowledge of this concept.

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A Secret Weapon for Optimum Health

As we strive to become healthier people in order to improve the quality of life that we enjoy, it is always useful to find secret weapons along the way.
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