Spine Surgery X Ray Onto Orthopedics

Surgery and the Spine

Spine Surgery X Ray Onto Orthopedics

Having surgery that involves the spine is not something that the majority of people will experience in their lifetime. However, it may present as a necessary procedure for certain health conditions, as well as due to accidents and unexpected injury. The spine is an incredibly complex structure. It serves many important purposes in regards to the function of the body on the whole. 
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Curvatures of the Spine

In our blog post last week we took a look at the skeleton. The purpose of this article was to give an overview of the importance of this incredible part of the body! Today we would like to take a closer look at the spine, and in particular, some of the issues that can arise in relation to the spine.
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The Human Skeleton

The human skeleton is an incredible structure and it surely goes without saying that it has many essential roles to play in the body! The skeletal system is made up of bones, joints and cartilage - all of which work together with other components of the body. Today we are going to look at some key information regarding the skeleton, and how it works in relation to other parts of the body.

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The Spine: Form and Function

The spine is one of the most important parts of the human body and is comprised of 33 different bones. Your spine enables you to stand up, and without it you would be unable to twist or move your body.
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Common Orthopedic Surgeries


Orthopedic care is primarily concerned with health conditions that affect the bones and the muscles within the human body. Orthopedic surgery is often required to fix these problems. However, there are also a wide range of effective non-surgical approaches for improving the quality of life of the patient.


An orthopedic surgeon will develop their own approach to dealing with certain medical problems throughout their career. They will also strive to stay up to date with all of the latest technological developments within their field of healthcare in order to maximise their treatment success rates. 
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Fiber Optic Technology and Surgery

As we discuss regularly on the Onto Orthopedics blog, technology is continuing to develop at an incredible rate. The benefits that this brings to patients are fantastic, far-reaching and not to be ignored!

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Why Spine Care is Important!


The spine is certainly one of the most important parts of the body and an injury can drastically alter the quality of life of the afflicted person!


Although a small injury will often heal itself after a period of rest, more serious injuries will often require comprehensive treatment. For that reason it is important to seek a professional diagnosis soon after the injury has been experienced, so that the appropriate path of care can be arranged.
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Exercises to Reduce Back Pain

oriental dancer backThe back bears the brunt of our mobility. The spine that helps us hold our head high and literally rise above other animals that walk the earth, pays a huge price for this anti-gravity action. It is essential that we take care of the back, especially the lower back that transmits the entire upper body weight to the lower limbs. Those who suffer from backache due to any reason realize the importance of this vital part of our skeletal and muscular system. Here are some tips that will help you deal with back pain to prevent you from becoming a slave to chronic backache.

  • Maintain correct posture- poor posture is one of the most common reasons for backache amongst people, especially those having sedentary jobs. A study confirmed that those with back pain compared to people with no back pain and those with a higher intensity of pain had higher tendencies to sway. This means that maintaining good posture is vital to prevent non-specific back pain that can often be disabling if chronic. Habits for good posture are sitting or standing erect, without stooping or hunching the shoulders.
  • Play sports- Engaging regularly in sports like swimming, running or walking in waist-deep water helps in maintaining back strength and stability. Studies have found that aquatic exercises are better than land-based exercises in regards to chronic lower back pain control. Read more

PET predicts outcomes for patients with cervical spinal cord compression - Metabolic activity in spine indicates optimal time for surgery

For patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy, imaging with 18F-FDG positron emission tomography (PET) could act as a marker for a potentially reversible phase of the disease in which substantial clinical improvement can be achieved...

Read full article on Back Pain

Hope for injection of cells to regenerate spine discs

Scientists have developed a new method of stopping or reversing disability and pain caused by degenerative disc disease in the spine using cell therapies, according to a proof-of-concept study published in the journal Biomaterials...

Read full article on Back Pain