How to Avoid Injury in the Gym

Going to the gym and exercising regularly is one of the best ways to protect your body as you age. As you build your muscles and strengthen your bones, you will be much better equipped to deal with accidents and injuries, should they occur. However, the potential to injure yourself in the gym also of course exists!
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Fantastic Foods For Athletes


It goes without saying that athletes have to be in tip-top physical condition if they are to excel at their chosen sport. As well as exercising regularly to stay fit, it is also essential that athletes eat a healthy diet to fuel their bodies with the necessary goodness. This is both true of their general day to day food choices and also the foods they eat before and after a workout.

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The Importance of a Pre-Workout Routine

Working out regularly is a fantastic way to keep on top of your fitness and can benefit every part of your body if you do it right! Making sure that you prepare yourself, both physically and mentally, before a workout will help you to make the most of the exercise that you do. This can also help you to maintain your stamina and motivation as you push yourself harder and harder through each session.
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Gym Free Ways Exercise Healthy

Gym Free Ways to Exercise

Gym Free Ways Exercise Healthy

Back in September we wrote a blog post entitled Exercise Without The Gym which aimed to help you get fit without ever having to set foot in a gym! Today we are going to expand on this concept to bring some fresh ideas to those who wish to work out at home or in public spaces, such as fields and parks.
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Common workout myths busted!

Cardio and Weights Join Forces

Common workout myths busted!You’ve probably heard the claim made by some that cardio kills muscle gains while weight lifting causes bulking in women. Recent information has begun to debunk these myths. As long as proper nutrition and caloric intake are maintained, both men and women can reach their desired goals. In fact, each body type maintains different levels of hormones that regulate muscle gains. A fitness regimen comprised of cardio and weight lifting is typically the best way to build your body.

Many women are concerned that stepping into the weight room will cause excessive “bulking” or large muscles. In reality,
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