Simple Steps to a Healthy Diet

Exercise and proper nutrition are the two best ways to keep the body and the bones as healthy as possible. Both of these things can often become neglected when we lead such busy lives and have many demands put upon our limited time. This can often cause people to choose unhealthy fast foods that they can buy from an establishment instead of cooking for themselves. Although this may appear to save time and money in the short term, it will do extensive detrimental things to your long term health and is simply not worth it!

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Whole Grains and Heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading killer all around the globe, claiming the lives of over 17 million people worldwide each year. That equates to three in every ten deaths. In the United States alone over 800,000 people die each year of this cause.

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Eradicate Stress for a Better You

Stress is an everyday natural occurrence and is something that we all experience from time to time. It is how your body reacts to any changes in your environment or to demands that are being made of you. Stress can be a good or a bad thing dependent on the situation and how much stress your body is under.
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How to Care For Your Joints

As we advise frequently on the blog section of Onto Orthopedics, taking care of your body in order to prevent injury is always going to be preferable to seeking treatment for an issue or ailment! When it comes to your joints, this statement is especially true.
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Yoga and Back Pain

In a previous blog post here at Onto Orthopedics we discussed how yoga can be an effective tool for protecting your health. We specifically discussed this issue in relation to pain and injury of the shoulders and neck. Today we are going to revisit this topic but pay more attention to how yoga can truly help to prevent back injuries and reduce existing pain in this area!
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Recognizing and Preventing Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps occur when any of our muscles contract, either forcibly or involuntarily, and then does not relax as it should. This is often referred to as a spasm and can happen for a range of reasons. It is something that the majority of people will experience in their lives, albeit some more than others! Although a muscle cramp will usually only happen for a few seconds, it can last up to 15 minutes. It will rarely ever be longer than this.
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Top Exercises for Spring

As we move away from winter and the weather improves, it is becoming the right time to start increasing your efforts when it comes to taking care of your body. If you have been hibernating through the winter and not getting outside to exercise much, your bones, muscles and body in general will appreciate a good workout!
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