bigstock Sportswomen Fit sporty woman 91173560

The CrossFit Craze

bigstock Sportswomen Fit sporty woman 91173560

CrossFit is a relatively new form of exercise that has taken the fitness world by storm. It is described as using “functional movements that are constantly varied at high intensity”. It is specifically designed to improve your core strength and condition your entire body.
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Keep your vitamin D levels up in winter!

Vitamin D Winter Woes? Beat them Now!

Keep your vitamin D levels up in winter!We all love white winters and enjoy the season indoors with warm food, loved ones and television. We also associate winters with skin troubles like dry skin, chapped lips, etc. But the health problems that this cozy season can lead to are far more serious than this. During winter minimal amount of sunlight reaches us. The ultraviolet rays that are part of sunlight are essential for production of vitamin D in our skin. Vitamin D is a very crucial vitamin for our bodies, for bone development and growth, to maintain healthy bones, for absorption of calcium depends on vitamin D. For a healthy, fracture-free life we need our daily dose of vitamin D. The richest natural source of this is sunlight which is robbed during winters.
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