Eat Better to Run Better!

Fuelling your body in an effective way is essential if you participate in any kind of sport, and this is certainly true of running. If you do not nourish your body in the correct way then you might soon become frustrated with a lack of improvement when it comes to your endurance and speed. You will also notice that your energy levels become depleted even when you are not exercising as you are asking too much of your body without putting enough in! 

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Surprising Foods for Healthy Bones

The role that our bones play when it comes to overall health and fitness is not to be ignored! While we have long been told that dairy milk is beneficial for the optimum health of our bones, there is increasing evidence that points to other foods perhaps being of greater benefit!
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Choose Mangoes for Bone Health

Sometimes eating for optimum health can be a chore. With so much information to consider and a wide variety of health boosting foods to try and include, it isn’t difficult to get disheartened with trying to keep up. Fortunately healthy eating doesn't always have to be difficult, and there are an abundance of delicious healthy foods that are easy to find, simple to prepare and enjoyable to eat - the delicious mango is a perfect example!

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eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

Eating for Optimum Bone Health

eating for optimum bone health onto orthopedics

If you check in with our blog regularly then you will know that we are always keen to share information regarding ways to promote and improve the health of your bones. Today we would like to take some time to talk about things that can be of detriment to your bones, more particularly the food and drink that you are likely consuming!

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Green Tea and Bone Health

The many health benefits of drinking green tea are often discussed within the health and wellbeing world. In addition to lowering cholesterol, helping to maintain a healthy blood pressure and aiding weight loss efforts, green tea is also known to help to fight heart disease and support the function of the liver. It may surprise you to learn that drinking green tea regularly can also help to improve the health of your bones. Today we are going to have an in-depth look at why green tea is so good for you and how you can easily include more of it in your diet!

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Why You Should Be Bananas for Bananas!


Bananas are thought to be the favourite fresh fruit of the American people and with the abundance of goodness they contain, this is great for the health of the country! Bananas provide the body with numerous vitamins and minerals, and also there is also a serious dose of fibre in each one! Fiber is essential, not only for positive intestinal health, but also to help protect the body against certain diseases. Today we are going to look at the incredible reasns that you should be bananas for bananas!

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Why You Should Be Eating Your Oats!

As a young child you were probably often told by your parents to eat your porridge - and with good reason! Although this is certainly not the favourite breakfast choice of most children, it is a great way to promote optimum health and future-proof your body!

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Is Coffee Good For You?

Some people will like to tell you that drinking coffee, especially drinking too much coffee, is bad for your health. Throughout the last few years there have been various pieces of research to support this claim. However, there is also plentiful evidence to suggest that regularly drinking coffee is good for you and with this article I am going to explain why!

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Should We Be Eating Chocolate?

We are often told that eating chocolate is good for your mood and will help to give you a boost of happiness during a long day. But what is the science behind this claim and is it something that we should all actually be doing?


Furthermore, are there additional health benefits to be gained from eating chocolate beyond improving your mood? There is much conflicting advice on whether we should be eating chocolate regularly, with several well-respected nutritionists on either side of the fence. Keep reading for a breakdown of this information that should help you to make your own mind up!


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Plant-Based Protein and Muscle Growth


As discussed in a recent blog post, there is a science to muscle growth that is not difficult to understand once you break it down to basics. Within this previous blog post we touched briefly on the potential of plant-based proteins for building muscle and how this can be incredibly beneficial for those looking to enhance their health and fitness efforts.


So, let’s take a look at some particularly powerful plant-based sources of protein that can be the perfect dietary choice when you are looking to increase your muscle mass.

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