Should You Give Kale a Go?

By now you have more than likely heard the hype surrounding kale as an amazingly nutritious food. Many foodies and nutrition gurus have even gone as far as to label kale as a superfood!

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Which Foods Work for Weight Loss?

Excess calories from food and drink can be one of the biggest obstacles in a weight loss mission. Some people assume that just because they are exercising regularly, that they can eat whatever they want and still reach their fitness goals. This is sadly not the case for the majority of people and  a fairly strict diet will usually have to be adhered to if you have ambitious body aims. Losing weight has to be a combination of a healthy diet and frequent physical activity. One without the other will be a slow and often unsuccessful process.

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The Importance of a Pre-Workout Routine

Working out regularly is a fantastic way to keep on top of your fitness and can benefit every part of your body if you do it right! Making sure that you prepare yourself, both physically and mentally, before a workout will help you to make the most of the exercise that you do. This can also help you to maintain your stamina and motivation as you push yourself harder and harder through each session.
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The Road to Recovery and Optimum Nutrition

Watching what you eat should always be a priority when it comes to your health. However, when you are preparing for surgery, or recovering from it, this is something that you should give serious consideration to.

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Which Protein Powder is Perfect For You?

Getting fit is something many of us aspire to do and there are arguably many different ways to do this with maximum efficiency. Using protein powder has long been acknowledged as a great way to bulk up as doing so increases the speed at which muscle recovers. With such a massive range of different protein powders on the market, it can of course be tricky to know which one is going to help you reach your fitness goals faster. To help you take some of the stress out of this decision, I have trialled a few products and will now give you the low-down on which ones work best!

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Simple Steps to a Healthy Diet

Exercise and proper nutrition are the two best ways to keep the body and the bones as healthy as possible. Both of these things can often become neglected when we lead such busy lives and have many demands put upon our limited time. This can often cause people to choose unhealthy fast foods that they can buy from an establishment instead of cooking for themselves. Although this may appear to save time and money in the short term, it will do extensive detrimental things to your long term health and is simply not worth it!

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Lycopene and Bone Health


We all know that eating an ample amount of fresh fruits and vegetables will do great things for our overall health. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contained within help to protect us against disease and other ill-health conditions. As if that wasn’t a good enough reason to heap your plate with plant-based goodies, there is now evidence to suggest that consuming lycopene regularly from a young age will help to prevent bone loss in your later years.

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Junk Food and Bone Health

The connection between junk food and poor bone development has been researched extensively with reports being presented in the popular journal, Osteoporosis International. The research has suggested that those who grow up within close proximity to several fast food establishments are more likely to consume junk food, and they have discovered a link between the presence of these food choices in the diet and poor bone development.

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Whole Grains and Heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading killer all around the globe, claiming the lives of over 17 million people worldwide each year. That equates to three in every ten deaths. In the United States alone over 800,000 people die each year of this cause.

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Support Your Exercise by Avoiding These Foods

Motivating yourself to go to the gym can be tough but the benefits for your health can’t be denied! Whether you are in it for the cardio, the weight lifting or a great combination of the two, your body will thank you in so many ways as your training develops. Your diet plays a huge role in the success of your workout efforts and it is important not to sabotage yourself by making unhealthy food choices.

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