Common workout myths busted!

Cardio and Weights Join Forces

Common workout myths busted!You’ve probably heard the claim made by some that cardio kills muscle gains while weight lifting causes bulking in women. Recent information has begun to debunk these myths. As long as proper nutrition and caloric intake are maintained, both men and women can reach their desired goals. In fact, each body type maintains different levels of hormones that regulate muscle gains. A fitness regimen comprised of cardio and weight lifting is typically the best way to build your body.

Many women are concerned that stepping into the weight room will cause excessive “bulking” or large muscles. In reality,
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A new method for treating RA

A New Solution for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

A new method for treating RARheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune, inflammatory disease which affects the small joints that permit the finer movements of the body. It is estimated that 1.3 million people suffer from RA in the world. Autoimmune diseases occur when a body’s immune system misidentifies healthy tissue as foreign body and starts attacking them. In RA, the autoimmune reaction causes inflammation which can further lead to loss of bone and cartilage. RA is a progressive disease and if not properly treated chronic RA can cause significant destruction of joints and functional disability. Fortunately, a new study revealed a previously-unknown method for treating RA.

The precise cause for RA is not known, but it is suspected that some microorganisms (like bacteria/viruses) or some drugs might trigger the immune system disorder.
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Why is it Vital to See an Auto Injury Specialist?

It is unfortunate, but it can happen to anyone! Car accidents take place every day for a wide variety of reasons as the roads can be dangerous places to be, especially during adverse weather conditions.
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The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce pain

Inflammation is a protective response of our body, towards injury, a normal immune response, and necessary for healing. In some persons, this response continues non-stop and damages healthy tissues, blood vessels or joints; this is known as chronic inflammation. For example, in people with Type 2 diabetes, cancer, digestive illnesses, lupus, joint problems, their own immune system is harming them. This is true for a plenty of heart and brain diseases, while one’s risk is increased with Alzheimer’s disease. These are called as auto-immune diseases.

A lot of data is available on the anti-inflammatory diet, be it
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Top Exercises for Spring

As we move away from winter and the weather improves, it is becoming the right time to start increasing your efforts when it comes to taking care of your body. If you have been hibernating through the winter and not getting outside to exercise much, your bones, muscles and body in general will appreciate a good workout!
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Insight into Pain Reduction Techniques

New pain management techniquesWe are all well aware of how the U.S. military has fought hard in Iraq and Afghanistan. The work load is high in such states, given the stressful environment and limited facilities. Both of these result in different kinds of health problems in military men, the commonest being chronic muscular pains. Yet, very little has been done to help U.S. military veterans who have returned from Iraq or Afghanistan, to manage the incapacitating chronic pain that they are left with. A new study now shines light on a potential solution for military members and others!

Researcher Matthew Bair, M.D. from the VA and Regenstrief Institute, lead a randomized controlled ESCAPE trial (Evaluation of Stepped Care for Chronic Pain). He noted-
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A vegan diet may benefit obese children

Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease in Obese Children

A vegan diet may benefit obese childrenWe are well aware that obesity is on a rise in children due to the unhealthy lifestyles we are following: lack of exercise, sedentary day and the fat rich diets we are consuming. It is essential to design a diet plan for obese kids, which reduces their cholesterol and the chance of developing cardiac ailments.

A breakthrough study was published this month in the Journal of Pediatrics. Researchers found that obese children who begin a low-fat, plant-based vegan diet may lower their risk of heart disease. This primarily occurs through improvements in weight, blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.
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microbes may prove to be powerful nutritional allies

Microbes: Powerful Nutritional Allies

microbes may prove to be powerful nutritional alliesOh really! Is that possible? Were some of the reactions we received. But yes as shown by a latest research, this is true. Now, a study by scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) sheds new light on a surprising and critical role that microbes play in nutritional disorders such as protein malnutrition.

Microbes, small and ancient life forms, play a key role in maintaining life on Earth. Life is impossible without microbes. To study the basic mechanism of how these microbes help metabolism, fruit fly-Drosophila melanogaster was used, as it is simple and easy to study.

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smoking may reduce effectiveness of back pain treatments

Smoking May Affect Back Pain Treatments

smoking may reduce effectiveness of back pain treatmentsThe ill effects of smoking on health are not unknown to us. Newer research published online in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases is now throwing light on how smoking impairs the treatment process of inflammatory arthritis affecting the lower back, known as axial spondyloarthritis. Interestingly, quitting smoking may help reduce your lower back pain!

The chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis, a disease affecting millions all over the world, increases
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healthy green smoothie

Vegan Diets May Reduce Cancer Risk

healthy green smoothieThe health benefits of an all vegetarian diet are numerous. In a new study of Seventh-Day Adventist men and women, published online by JAMA Internal Medicine, investigators concluded that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of developing colorectal cancer as compared to a non-vegetarian diet.

Colorectal cancer, or colon cancer, rectal cancer or bowel cancer, is the development of cancer in the large bowel.
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